The Key Elements that Make Any Landing Page More Effective

Key Elements Landing Page EffectiveEffective landing pages are essential components of a successful digital marketing strategy. It really doesn’t matter what you’re offering, or how targeted your PPC campaign, if you’re landing page isn’t optimized for success, you’re not going to see the results you want. Period.

What’s even worse than a lackluster landing page is not having one at all. If you’re running any type of paid campaign and aren’t leveraging a landing page for leads and conversions, you could be missing out on an insane amount of revenue.

The question isn’t whether to use landing pages or not, but rather what makes a great landing page that gets results. Let’s dig in and find out.

The Purpose of Effective Landing Pages

It’s not uncommon for businesses to wonder if a landing page is really necessary. After all, the most important step is getting traffic to your site. Once someone lands there it should be easy for them to follow the logical steps.

There’s a major flaw with this line of thought.

When someone lands on your site, they need to take the time to figure out how to get where they want to go. The fact is, you want them there, so it makes zero sense to make them work for it.

Plus, landing pages provide relevance. Whether you’re collecting subscribers to a newsletter, promoting a product or offering a special deal, landing pages narrow in on the intent. You can tailor the message to the targeted audience that lands there, making it exponentially more relevant to them than any other page on your website.

Build a Direct Line to the Intent with a Clear CTA

A clear call to action (CTA) is the cornerstone of every effective landing page. CTAs provide a defined path for the visitor. The goal is to have them land, look around and then act. The CTA should tie all of this together.

A clear CTA makes action easy because it leaves nothing to question. With one small clickable box, an effective CTA should inspire action with persuasive text, create a sense of urgency and have a strong, easy to find visual presence.

A Unique Value Proposition Generates Interest

While some of the pages on your website have multiple functions, your landing page shouldn’t be one of them. Not only should it be crystal clear why they’re there, but an effective landing page also helps visitors recognize the unique value in your offer.

Keep text and explanations simple. You don’t want to give them the chance to change their mind, so avoid long, blocks of text that will make them lose interest.

Instead focus on concise copy that communicates value and consider adding visual elements to eliminate copy fatigue.

Pat Yourself on the Back

Finally, being too humble in business isn’t going to get you very far. Landing pages that are really effective often contain reviews and testimonials that speak positively about your brand and instill trust.

Plus, with 97% of people looking at reviews before making a buying decision online, you’re only alienating a huge portion of your market by not including some type of validation on your landing pages.

Side view of a casual young woman using computer in a bright office

There’s more to effective landing pages that we’ve talked about here, but there’s one important thing to know. High performing landing pages start with great website design, and we have the experience to help you with all of it. Contact JLB USA to learn more about our services today.


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