$55,000+ in Ecommerce Sales with an average 10.23x ROAS using Facebook Ads

Client Intro: A client we had been working with for the past year wanted to see soaring sales during the New Year holiday period. In order to achieve the desired results, we started preparing for the campaign 2 months in advance. Read on to find out what we achieved. The Challenge To multiply sales manifold […]

$850K+ in Ecommerce Sales with a 5.28x ROAS Using Facebook Ads

Client Intro: A Black Friday-Cyber Monday Success Story – Before we started handling the advertising efforts of a Fitness Store, they were struggling hard to maintain break-even. Learn how we took over the account and turned it into a money-making machine. The Challenge To get 2X ROAS using Facebook Ads. The Process To get the […]

What is Direct Response Marketing

what is direct response marketing

Direct response marketing is a type of marketing that’s specifically designed to create an instant response in customers by encouraging them to take a specific action. Direct response ads must trigger immediate action from potential customers, since the goal is to generate leads or sales quickly. While traditional marketing usually aims to raise brand awareness […]

Four Web Design Principles for 2021


These days, there are so many options when it comes to creating a website for your business. We at JLB always suggest going with a professional, preferably an agency, to create a one-of-a-kind digital presence for your most important asset – your brand. If you have not solidified your brand, or don’t know where to […]

Shopify VS BigCommerce – What to Pick in 2021


Both Shopify and BigCommerce are powerful SaaS eCommerce platforms that enable you to launch online stores quickly and without requiring advanced web development skills. SaaS or “Software as a Service” platforms have a huge advantage over regular websites: online sellers are not required to maintain their content themselves – the SaaS platform will host their […]

Maximize Your Website for Lead Generation

Maximize Your Lead Generation Website

Let us start with a few tips on how to maximize your website for lead generation. With a lead generation website, you can gather many of your web visitors and turn them into clients, then ultimately into brand loyalists. A successful website provides the visitor with all the information customers need to make an informed […]

JLB Embraces The Work From Home Model and Thrives


JLB has found success in transitioning employees to work from home indefinitely. Since the initial COVID-19 lockdown in March of 2020, JLB found that productivity and communication not only remained the same, but thrived, without a brick-and-mortar office. Aside from a designated meeting space in Fort Lauderdale that serves to meet with clients, the firm […]

Signs You Need a New Website in 2021

Signs You Need A New Website In 2021

Are you considering getting a new website for your business? If you’re sitting on the fence about leaving things as they are, or redoing your site, there are some sure signs to look out for that mean your website needs an overhaul. In 2021, more people than ever before are turning online to shop and […]

Is Internet Marketing Right for My Business?

Is Internet Marketing Right for My Business?

Are you asking yourself if internet marketing is right for your business? Many people wonder what the benefits are of a digital marketing campaign, and if it is right for them. Your business is a good candidate for a strong internet marketing campaign no matter what industry you are in. Digital Marketing For Your Business […]

It’s a New Year: Marketing Strategy Planning for 2021!

2021 Is here! Everyone can probably agree that they are happy to say bye-bye to 2020 and welcome in the new year. January is associated with new beginnings, and it is also a good time to look at your digital marketing strategy. Marketing Strategy for 2021 When it comes to your marketing strategy plan, there […]