X-Cart Free Adwords Audit

Do you have an existing AdWords campaign, but aren’t sure if it’s as well optimized as it could be? Rand Marketing is a Google Premier Partner, and has helped retail and wholesale businesses to build and optimize AdWords accounts. We can provide a complimentary review of your current AdWords campaigns, checking for major areas that are often ripe for improvement, such as:

  • Effective use of Ad Groups
  • Use of Negative Keywords
  • Geographic, Mobile, and Date Targeting
  • ReMarketing
  • Google Shopping
  • Proper Tracking

We Get You More Business!

Contact us today for a free X-Cart Adwords Audit

These are just examples of things that we review in a cursory account review. We then provide feedback at no cost, and with no commitments. Should we identify areas that are ripe for improvement, we may suggest that you consider our team to help optimize your AdWords account as a paid service, and can provide you a proposal for this service accordingly, but this is completely optional.

In order to access your AdWords account for this audit, we’ll need your AdWords Client ID Number (CID#). We will use this to request access to your account. You will then have to approve that request (Google will send you an E-mail). You retain the ability to revoke our access, and we won’t need any of your passwords or login credentials. This access will be used to review your account only, unless you choose to engage in further services by signing an agreement and paying initial fees accordingly.