Social Media Marketing & Management

JLB Florida’s Social Media Management services provide clients with monthly oversight, communications, and ongoing maintenance for all of your social platforms. As the leading digital marketing agency in South Florida, JLB Florida strives to implement the best social media marketing strategy for your business. Working closely with your social media platforms, we work tirelessly to increase engagement, followers, social posts, and most importantly, conversions to your site. While social media is one of the best ways to stay informed on major news and societal trends, it also serves as a successful platform to validate your brand and build new relationships with potential customers.

We Get You More Business!

Here’s how JLB Florida manages your social media accounts for you.

Monthly updates:

Content/Conversation schedules created and approved in liaison with the client.

Brand Identity:

JLB Florida will set up the brand identity of your business on social media outlets of your choice with strategic logo placement and imagery from your online presence.

New Content Maintenance:

Monthly, JLB will feature educational articles that highlight your work. Our team will tag these articles for SEO and link them back to your website via social media statuses. If your business posts new blogs or articles that your employees have written, we will send out strategic posts about this as well. For more in-depth management, our team can create social posts on a weekly basis. Our services offer a maximum of 4 posts a week per month across various platforms.

Creating Your Accounts:

If needed, our team will set up and create your social media accounts. This includes, but is not limited to, 4 of the following: LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Vimeo, Vine, Google Business Page, Foursquare, Flickr, YouTube, and others

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Sharing your message:

We create a company voice that reflects your brand, promotes creativity, and engages your audience through monthly content updates (vertically specific to your business).  Additionally, we will send you statuses–posts–to edit and approve before scheduling them for publication. We launch these statuses with tools and platforms that allow us to broadcast specific content simultaneously. This is a great way to keep your business presence alive without having to login into your profiles every day to keep up with the current social buzz.

Pro-active Process:

Once a month, JLB will meet with you to discuss plans for the next month and send you a report detailing social media activity over the past month. If we can’t reach you, we will email, text, or even send smoke signals to gain your feedback for the following month. These meetings and statuses include:

  • Update about last month’s activities and any anomalies.
  • Feedback and ideas for the month going forward with suggestions about new content.
  • Social media shout outs to your followers and clients if you would like us to highlight them (We will need to know which clients you would like included in statuses ahead of time).
  • Social media statuses that link back to your site and describe your work (this can include general information, events you may be sponsoring, nonprofits you are working with, upcoming specials, etc.).

Our organic social media management services paired with our social advertisement resources are guaranteed to give your social following the necessary boost it needs to increase your business’ growth. Establish your social presence today with JLB Florida.

At JLB Florida, we also specialize in creating and managing top-performing social campaigns. Our social campaigns, such as our Facebook advertising services, are designed to drive more traffic to your profile page and website while generating more conversions. JLB Florida’s talented team of seasoned professionals utilize the most popular social media advertising platforms–Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.–to reach the most appropriate B2B and B2C audiences for your business.

Here’s how JLB Florida’s social advertising process works:

Create an Effective Advertising Strategy:

Together, our social media and marketing managers will collaborate to develop an advertising strategy that’s custom to your brand. With a clear and concise Facebook advertising strategy, we will help you decrease costs while increasing results. Excellent website traffic and overall conversions are our main goal.

Develop Engaging Advertisements:

At JLB Florida, we launch ads that are eye-catching and engaging–compelling users to click on it and check out your products/services. Our team will write your content, create headlines, and develop quality images for your campaign. Additionally, we will perform A/B split tests to identify which ads are driving the best results. With A/B split testing, you’ll be able to see which ads are the most effective versions of themselves.

Consistent Monitoring of Advertisements:

To ensure that your social ads are supplying the results you need to grow your business, our team will carefully monitor your running ads. If an ad is not performing well, we can take action quickly and pause it, identify the problem, refine it, and relaunch. JLB Florida’s social team can also launch new ads to keep traffic active.

Monthly Reporting:

Each month, we’ll send you an informed report on your social ad progress. You’ll be able to see how well your ads are performing while noting its conversion tracking.

With our Facebook advertising and Instagram marketing solutions, we will connect your products and services to countless audiences who may be interested in them–driving more traffic and conversions to your site. JLB Florida allows you to leverage the most targeted form of social advertising with our services.

We, at JLB Florida, have years of proven experience in creating successful social ad campaigns that convert. Our team carefully utilizes A/B split testing, conversion optimization, and retargeting techniques that are designed to generate the best possible results. Backed by integrity, JLB Florida can take your business and your social presence to the next level.

Call us today or fill out the form below for more information regarding our social media management and social advertisement services.