Web Design Gallery Before and After Fort Lauderdale FL

See our Before & After Web Design gallery below

Website design isn’t only about a graphic change.  It’s about an overall strategic improvement of the brand and identity online with a direct intent to improve the business perception to the world, simplify overall user experience and to drive customer conversion with an impactful impression that evokes emotion and excitement to do business with you.

Below are some examples of website re-designs and in each and every case the following business and solution results were recorded:

  • Immediate improvement of business first impression = more phone calls and emails
  • Increased website traffic conversion
  • Simplified user experience = easy to do business with
  • Mobile responsive design = critical to the 50% of mobile internet users
  • Revenue increased, in some cases >100% revenue increase (contact us to discuss details)
  • In cases where the client has digital marketing like SEO and PayPerClick, up to 3x return on investment

    JLB, out of Fort Lauderdale FL, is a marketing agency that specializes in Internet marketing services while providing all technology and support in house.  A total marketing partnership with an eye for business improvement and business class support.  We would love to work with you or discuss your project needs.  Contact us, we can help.