How to Deal with Google’s Algorithm Updates and Produce Measurable Success

There’s a lot that goes into an effective SEO strategy, and just when you think you’ve nailed it, along comes yet another algorithm update that forces you to think fast and adapt. While you might hear only about the big updates, Google updates its algorithm in smaller ways on a daily basis. We can choose […]

Why Conversion Tracking Is the Key to Unlocking SEO Success

Conversion tracking is one of the most important elements of any digital marketing strategy. Conversions are essentially the backbone of your business, and a dedicated approach to tracking them helps you to identify key attributes and behaviors of your target market. This probably isn’t new information for you, especially if you’ve invested even minimally in […]

7 Secrets of Creating Evergreen Content with Real Staying Power

Content marketing is one of the most important strategies for building awareness of your business. Great content not only provides value to the person reading, but also helps to establish your brand’s voice and message – both of which are important for building trust and demonstrating authority online. Content Marketing with Evergreen Content This why […]

How To Find The Right Web Design Company For Your Business

Finding The Right Web Design Company For Your Business As a full-service web design and digital marketing company Fort Lauderdale, we’ve had the opportunity to support companies not only in Fort Lauderdale but throughout South Florida. Some clients are coming to us with no prior web presence, others have come to us to better their […]

10 Small Business Errors That Drive Customers Away

Visitors seldom leave a small business website with a neutral impression. For most prospects, your small business is an unknown quantity, so their first impression of your company will either make them more comfortable doing business with you or less comfortable. For this reason, you want their first experience with your website to inspire them to contact […]

Is SEO a Necessity? Understanding the Cost of Ignoring Search Engine Optimization

If you’re involved in running a business, whether it’s your own or for someone else, chances are pretty good that you’ve at least heard of search engine optimization, also known as SEO. Considering that there are more than 3.5 billion searches a day conducted on Google alone, it’s easy to understand why businesses would want […]

Understanding Local Pack Ranking: 5 Factors You Need to Succeed

When you make a local search on Google, a number of businesses are outlined on the SERP (Search Engine Results Page). The box holding these businesses is called a local pack. Small and large businesses alike compete for a spot in the local pack, which can lead to dozens – if not hundreds – of […]

4 Reasons PPC and SEO Are Better Together

Search engine marketing is generally divided into two categories – PPC and SEO PPC, also known as pay-per-click or paid search, can lead to instant results. Your brand is placed immediately in front of your target audience based on the keyword you choose. For each click, your budget is relatively easy to control. PPC advertisements […]

How to Master Local SEO for Multi-Location Small Businesses

Local SEO is one of the most effective tools for small businesses to target and attract members of a local audience that are ready to become real, paying customers. When you’re just one location in one town, optimizing local SEO to your advantage is piece of cake, well almost. But what happens when you’re ready […]

Why Instagram Is the Social Platform for Small Business Growth

The number of people using social media is growing every day, with users spreading themselves across multiple platforms. This has presented a bit of a challenge for businesses looking to engage with their audiences on social networks. With demographics and social behaviors shifting, how do you know which platforms are worth the time and investment […]